How do I get my mnemonics / seed phrase?

In our pre-alpha stage we haven’t yet finalized how we’ll be surfacing this functionality to end users. Each Acronym Vault houses multiple wallet types to support multiple blockchains and platforms. These individual wallets sit on a more fully-featured VM than hardware wallets such as Trezor or Ledger. The plus side of this is that it allows us to keep our ecosystem extremely fast while staying decentralized - but it has the downside of making things like portability slightly more complicated. I.e. we can’t just encrypt your Vault VM with a BIP-39 and call it a day. Here are the two approaches we’re currently planning:

  • Enabling the export of private keys for individual blockchains such as just your ETH keys.

  • “Cracking” open your Acronym vault - a one time procedure which would give you all of your keys to all your individual wallets all at once.

Last updated